
Hey! Welcome to
the All-New-N-Rich quiz spot.

Queez is Open Trivia Database powered trivia platform for YOU quizheads!

๐Ÿ‘Œ Features

You get VARIETY of customizable control over your quizzes...


Timed or Infinite

Set time limit for quiz or go on for infinity! It's in your hands.

No Signup Hassle

No Strings Attached! No signup or login clichรฉ here.

Customized Questions

You can mix and match questions with multiple different categories.

๐Ÿค˜ Categories

Queez offers COLOSSAL amount of various categories to quiz in.
Here are few of them...

Quiz Categories

โœŠ User Powered

Open Trivial Database Website Logo

OpenTDb is a free to use, user-contributed trivia question database,
with more than 4,067 verified questions. So, it's from you, for you.